Thursday, September 17, 2015

Why I Use Blender 3D

Good day again everyone!!
Late for work! Chasing a taxi.


To make a long story short, (and it is a long story...) I can't afford the expensive, industry standard programs that creatives use. I got into using open source programing because of this. I'm not a fan of using bootleg versions of paid software. I wouldn't want someone using my artwork, or anything thing I create, for free and making money off of it, so I wouldn't want to do that to the creators of the popular graphic design software.

In the future, if I can afford one of these programs; and I need it to do my work, then maybe I’ll purchase it. I'll go into the different ways I use Blender in my work flow in another post. For now I'll just invite everyone to try it and see how it works for them.  

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