Sunday, October 18, 2015

Blank Canvas.

Blender's blank canvas.
All creative persons begin with their own version of a blank canvas. Whether it be a blank piece of paper, or a a real piece of canvas or a computer screen, we all start from scratch. What comes through on our canvas is up to us as the artist, writer or photographer.

With Blender 3D's multiple creative set of tools, one can create a wide range of things digitally. Wallpapers, architectural renders or simple animations can all be done with this program. But it all starts with the blank canvas. Knowing how to take a creative idea from one's head to a finished product is also an important skill to learn for any creative.

For me, it all begins with the sketch, the rough draft, the initial storyboards. If you plan out your image or animation in detail beforehand, executing the project becomes easier and more efficient. You will waste less time deciding camera angles, composition and materials if you have a clear concept sketched out beforehand.

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